
Balinese actor, giving workshop theatre Tribuana, live in Montreuil now, in France since 1974; Contact Skype: tapasudana

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Actor from Bali, Indonesia live in France since 1974, born in Bali 1945, contact: tapasudana45@gmail.com ; Créateur Serviteur émetteur de http://theatretribuana.blogspot.com/2008/05/eveiller-et-cultiver-lexpression-des.html

Friday, March 01, 2019

Balinese Children song, compilation I Gede Madera.

My father in the year of 1955, he was teacher in elementary school, for children of 6-12 years, in Denpasar Bali, Indonesia. . He gathered Balinese traditional children song, with Balinese notation :ndang, nding ndong ndéng ndung, pentatonic. These songs are traditional heritage.


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